Sunday, February 12, 2006

Snow forces me out of work ...

...and into thinking about getting a job where I dont have to worry about getting my driveway plowed to be able to get out onto the trecherous streets at 6am on Sunday in order to get to it.

It also makes me think about this: The anti-VTD card. This may also apply to other contrived holidays that force coupling to the forefront of the world -- ahead of world news and the weather). I think it's a good thing to explore. If I see one more jewelry store ad, I am going to scream. That's a lie, it has already driven me to scream. And then I am either run into a retaining wall in my car or knock over my TV. I am turning into those women on the ads who furrow their brows and whisper among themselves when they don't get a bauble like their co-workers ... or candy ... or a giant stuffed animal ... or anything except another day marked on the calendar closer to the next federal holiday when they can get off from work and eat all of the chocolate they want and have to be affronted by millions of smiling non-singles to do it -- and they can buy that candy/bauble/puppy/lavish fur themselves. We need to be able to go into the drug store and not feel like VTD has thrown up on us. And pink puke is as ugly as regular puke, it can't be fancied up.

I know this isn't just about being single. There are pleny of married women that feel frustrated by this day as well and wish it would go away or could be replaced by something else. The audience is huge.

Can we represent anger and humor at the same time without seeming jaded or desperate? Most certainly.

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