Sunday, August 19, 2007

Hallmark Pop

Since Hallmark has licensed quotes from "Grey's" -- I am hoping they create one with a reference to the "penis fish." Imagine the art for that.

Meanwhile, in another garage....

Zeichen Press, started by two Minneapolis women in their 30s last year, is focused on "vintage old-school letterpress" and is just about breaking even finance-wise. With a line of stationery, coaster sets, CD sleeves and greeting cards -- its creators seem amused by their own modest success. Zeichen is an example of another company that was inspired by a wedding -- in this case, one of the creator's sisters was getting married and she created a card to go with a gift. The reaction led her to muse "Hey, maybe people would buy this stuff." And buy, they have.


The graphic designer who owns Marzipan, a 6-year-old greeting card company based in Wisconsin -- is only 30, but distributes her work around the world and is able to work where all of us would love to -- from home. Lori Dunbar says that her work doesn't sell in her own town of Sheboygan, price point being the issue there, but she's certainly found a way for it to sell elsewhere for $5 each.

When asked about her success, she noted "It's pretty cool." Not too much more to say.

And Marzipan's cards seem to reflect the creator -- simple, understated and quiet -- focused. Is that why all of PEP's ideas are so hard to get down on paper? Is any card big enough?