Saturday, February 27, 2010

Finally, an iPhone app for paper greeting cards

I don't own an iPhone, but this kind of technology makes me wish I did.

CardRaven allows you to send greeting cards from your phone. No big deal, right? Anyone can send an e-card (there's are free, BTW, and not really worth your time). But this app allows you to send print greeting cards from you phone. Printed greeting cards where you can take a picture with your phone (or, with your camera and upload it to your phone) and ADD it to the card. Paper greeting cards that cost only $2.99 to send, anywhere in the world, postage included. So the next time you need to send something airmail, this service is definitely a no-brainer.

And it's green with a twist: "Our greeting cards are printed with vibrant and durable inks, similar to postcards. The cards are folded, sealed, stamped and mailed – without an envelope. Without an envelope, your card will be noticed and opened immediately."

Not sure what kind of research went into the last statement, but it's an interesting sales tactic (though, who doesn't open a card they get in the mail?)

Major drawback: the art & designs need A LOT of work. But since everyone is a semi-pro photog these days, that doesn't matter as much. Customizable mobile greetings are the wave of the future. You heard it here first.

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