Monday, August 04, 2008

May I someday be Phyllis Stocking

I am sure she is a lovely person, bakes the world's sweetest cakes, gives great hugs and has a throng of adoring grandchildren, and despite the fact that my own holiday/birthday card list is already long enough, thank you, I think I love Phyllis Stocking.

The Wyoming woman sends 90 to 100 cards a month and spends $1,000 a year (paid out of her Social Security check) on stamps to mail them to folks -- some of which she clearly doesn't know that well, or else this story would have never been written. But who doesn't love a card? Even from a stranger. Who wouldn't love a note from Phyllis?

She works to keep addresses current ("I figure they'll be looking for their card") and her husband reads the obits to help keep the list ... alive, and though she seems fond of media folks -- the 73-year-old says she works hard not to look "like I'm a stalker."

No one wants that.

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