Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Not all e-cards are viruses

The NYT discovers the new breed of e-greetings.

First let me say that no one ignores an e-card, or an e-mail from someone they haven't heard from, all day at work. It sits there and taunts you otherwise.

Second, this is the third mention of in either MSM or by my friends in the past few weeks, which in USAT terms makes it an official trend.

What interests me most about e-cards is that men appear to feel more comfortable with sending them than traditional greeting cards. The convenience factor, I'm sure, plays into it. And the less-dippy-drippy-cheesy humor of some of the site's card (One my favorites: “When work feels overwhelming, remember that you’re going to die.") certainly calls more to the laugh than the heart.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Christmas shopping already?

Check out etsy, where I realized I have been bookmarking items for over a year. Including that damned cereal lamp that I now realize if I buy for my squeeze Patrick Cooper, will likely end up getting destroyed -- as it is a light that has to be "kept out of direct light if possible." Also, it is apparently priceless, which means I can't afford it.

But etsy is a great creative spot for designers and creators of beautiful things like jewelry, glass bowls, fun art -- and my favorite geekery.

Fabulous allows users to create anything they want -- wedding stuff, baby, calling cards, couples cards, you name it -- they can make it as "unique as you are."

Love the cuppycakes too.

Procrastination -- it's heroin for writers

I cannot believe I waited this long to write something I have been thinking about for months. It feels like Sunday nights at CMU all over again. But even more appealing than the temptation of Purple Hoooter shots at PHI, I have foolishly set up the workstation in my new pad next to my *very* well stocked bar.

Of course, I'm writing about vodka. Maybe I just need to drink some while I write. Naturally.